What about me?

That morning’s Gospel reading at Mass was a doozy. Hooey! I wanted to take this reading and stitch it on a pillow and give it out to all those “so-called Christians.” This will show all those on the other side of the political spectrum what Jesus thinks of them! Booya! Mic drop!

I was filled with self-righteous anger toward those I thought didn’t care or didn’t get “it” of what we are called to do as Christians. This reading backed me up!  Along with, like, the entire Bible! I sat in the pew smug thinking of all who I would give this pillow to.

Then, like He often does because that’s what it takes for me to actually understand, God smacked me upside the head.

What about you?

  • What about me?

What about you?

  • What about me? I was talking about those other people. Oh God, you are gonna have a thing or two to say to them when they get up there! Hooey! Did you see what Jesus said we need to do?

Uh huh. And what about you?

  • What about me?

How do you spend your money?

  • Well, I… uh… I…. Oh! I tithe! The full ten percent! Of every paycheck!

Oh yeah? Since when?

  • Since… a few months ago.

How long have you been earning a paycheck?

  • …. Twenty… five … years…

What were you doing during those last 25 years?

  • I tried to give… sort of… I really wanted to….

So how else do you spend your money?

  • …..????….

What’d you buy yesterday?

  • …. Ss..tuff…

When was the last time you took care of the poor?

  • Hey, I’m doing that one charity!


  • And what?

And what else?

  • …..??? What do you mean?

How else do you take care of the poor?

  • ….????….

When was the last time you took care of the sick?

  • My kids! And my husband! You know how hard that is! They’re kind of big babies. All of them. It’s a lot of work.


  • And what?

How else do you take care of the sick?

  • ….????….

How do you fight for the oppressed?

  • Ooo! This I got! Listen: I oppose the death penalty! And abortion! And I think Black Lives Matter! And I think we need to do more for mental health care so police don’t have to carry such a fucked up burden! And

And what have you done about any of it?

A quote hangs by our front door by St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) – “Do It Anyway.” The last line reads “You see in the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
  • I… post memes to Facebook…

You’re really gonna count that?

  • … No… I guess not…

Nobody’s even following you anymore.

  • I said I wasn’t going to count it! Can we move on?

Do you really need Me to continue?

  • No…

Read it again.

  • I don’t need to. I get it.

Read it again.

  • But I don’t need to. I get it.

Read it again.

  • But I don’t wanna.

Read. It. Again.

  • Fine….


So. What are you going to do?